MILLION THANKS kepada yang sudi singgah di SCLover Collection. "SPECIAL THANKS" pada FOLLOWERS "n" FRIENDS yang menyokong SCLover Collection. Luv "N" Regards dr SCLover

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Jom share Butterfly series...
Size : 10 " (Lebar) X 11.5" (Tinggi) X 2" (Tapak@sisi)
Inner : 2 organizer pocket
1 unit available
Material : Plain Canvas + Medium weight Cotton
Boleh guna as Tuisyen Bag untuk anak2

Size : 10 " (Lebar) X 11.5" (Tinggi) X 2" (Tapak@sisi)
Inner : 2 organizer pocket
Material : Plain Canvas + Medium weight Cotton 


Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Just for sharing....
Custume during  progress...
Plain costume yang mewakili pelbagai karektor binatang...
Ayam, Gajah, Singa, Monyet...... 
Segala penambahan @aksessori akan dilakukan sendiri oleh pihak tadika...
Hopefully nanti saya akan dapat gambar2 yang lengkap dengan aksessori setiap karektor...

Bahagian belakang....
saya gunakan zip terus 20" ....
Disebabkan masa yang singkat@terdesak saya gunakan aje Zip YKK
Itu aje yang senang saya dapat kat kedai jahitan...
Kos per meter RM3.80, saya tak tau samada murah atau mahal...
Pada saya agak mahal... walaupun ambil 10 meter tapi harga tetap sama..
Padahal kalau barang  lain akan ada pengurangan...tapi zip ini tiada langsung...
Zip  ini memang mahal dan harga tetap.. itu kata tuan kedai tu...
Dah tu Kepala Zip pula dijual berasingan RM0.80/head....
huhuhu...tiada pilihan .. ku beli jugak.. sebab terdesak...
Padahal kalau beli dari kawan2 crafter online cuma RM1.50 aje/meter

Kaftan @ baju kelawar...
Model Saya......... Panggil aje ... bila2 masa....
Memang  sentiasa bersedia...
Kaftan ni.... saya cuma tebuk leher dan jahit ikut saiz dada anak2 tadika aje...
Ada 4 saiz... S,M,L,XL 
Apa pun semua dah selesai....
Dan ...... apa ???? ... selepas nih????
hahaaha... macam2 ada...
Pandai2 cari kerja........

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Dalam kesempatan menyemak mail dari gmail, saya menyemak juga Spam .Saya tahu kadang2 ada info yang masuk di situ ...
Walaupun Spam.... tapi tengok kepada TITLE yang menarik "5 WAYS TO IMPROVE  YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS WEBSITE" saya buka dan baca... 
Info yang menarik pada saya  dan mungkin boleh kita kongsi...
Jom tenung2 @ tengok2...

When customers don't stay on your website for long, it's hardly surprising you fail to connect with them and build the trust needed for them to get out their credít cards and purchase from you.The great news for you is there are tons of quick and easy - usually free ways - to make your website more appealing to your customers. Here's 5 you can apply today.

1. Site Search
When you have more than 20 pages, it's a good idea to add a search facility. If you have a site search, make sure it's prominent. Usability guidelines tend to prefer the upper-right corner of the page. Keep the button label simple and clear - "Search" still works best for most sites. Don't unleash your powers of lateral thinking and swap in a word like "Retrieve". Keep it simple.  - Kalau dah banyak produk.. elok set macam ni bg memudahkan pelanggan
2. Ensure Your Webpages Can Be Skim-read Easily
Few people read word for word online; the vast majority skim-read to get a sense of the page before they read any of it in detail. Make it easy for visitors to skim-read your content. Always use headings and bullets to break up text Think about it. If a heading is not relevant for your visitor, they can easily skim down to the next heading, making it straightforward for them to get directly to the information they need.

Always keep your text in manageable chunks, not an unbroken wall of words like insurance small print, so it's easier for customers to look up what they want right away and with confidence - which is critical if they are making a buying decision.- Macamana nak tarik pelanggan  dengan bahasa menarik yang mudah difahami -  dapat mempengaruhi daya@keputusan pelanggan umtuk membeli..Kalau cam ni kena belajar marketing jugak ler...

 3. Keep Your Styles & Colors Consistent
Make sure people know they're still on your site by being consistent - confuse them and you'll lose them. Keep the look and feel of your website sections consistent and avoid any radical changes. Visitors can get confused and think they have left your site accidentally.
Layout, headings, and styles should be consistent site-wide, and colors should usually have the same meaning.
For example, don't use red for headers on one page, red for hyperlinks on another, and red as standard text somewhere else. 
To Do: Ensure all your web pages appear to be part of the main site and that they are consistent with each other. Are there any "nasty surprises" depending on the part of the site you're in?
Hahahaha... macam terkena pada diri sendiri aje.... tapi tuuu...aaaarrr.. kalu dah lelama rasa nak ler letak yang baru ..nampak cun @baru skit...

4. Use Emphasis (bold, etc.) Sparingly
It's a fact of human psychology: try to draw attention to everything and you'll effectively draw attention to nothing. We've all seen that site, the one with a red, blinking, underlined "NEW!" next to everything. Don't be that guy or gal Remember, if your site's graphic design is counter-intuitive and doesn't help visitors get something done quickly, it's going to make your site much slower and difficult to work with.
Slow, awkward sites don't ever, ever, delight your customer or create a good rapport online.
Visitors will be back at the search engine in seconds if they find your website "complicated" or "busy".

To Do: Ensure your website is only highlighting critical factors you absolutely need your visitors to gaze at or clíck on in order to meet your online business goals. Menus, buy buttons, opt–in boxes and so on.

5. Keep Your Ads & Pop-ups Unobtrusive
Ads are a fact of life, but integrate them nicely into your site. Don't try to force ads and pop-ups down peoples' throats; you'll end up creating frustration for your visitors. Also, do people a favor and make your ads clear. If you blur the line between ads and content too much, your content may suffer, since many people have developed "banner blindness" when it comes to surfing, and might overlook some important content by mistake.

To Do: Doublecheck if your popup window is significantly increasing your opt–in rate. If it isn't, you could be annoying present and future customers unnecessarily.

Final Word
Always make sure you view your website through the eyes of the customer and not through your eyes, the website owner.Make sure there are no red-flags on your site that are going to frustrate, confuse or bore customers. Keep everything nice and simple to make sure your visitors enjoy spending time (and money) on your site -  Meletak diri sendiri sebagai pelanggan(be in customer shoes) bila melayari blog.. cuba permudahkan agar pelanggan senang memahami  dan merasa enjoy dan bebaloi  dalam menghabiskan masa dan duit pada web @ blog kita...

Kadang2 tu bila kita terbaca sesuatu macam  perkara di atas, rasanya macam perkara mudah + remeh... perkara2 mcm ni kita tak  ambil berat  dan wat  mudah aje... Tapi sebenar  ada value..Tak apelah... start from today... kita boleh renung2kan... semoga segalanya dipermudahkan kepada kita untuk berurusan..

Friday, October 29, 2010


Dalam pada sibuk2.. dan blogwalking..jom share ..
Jom Intai2... Fikir2kan...
Selepas dibaca pelan2 walau saya tak pandai sangat tapi dapt jugak point2 kat dalam tuh... 
Saya bandingkan ciri2 ini dalam blog2 yang mantoppp...dan mmg ramai pengikutnya..
Ciri2 ini memang ada di situ....
Walaupun kita tak ada semua... tapi mungkin  sikit2 kita boleh ambik...
Saya copykan artikel ni ..yang sampai dalam Gmail saya ...

What is credibility? According to the dictionary it means; "The quality, capability, or power to elicit belief." In short, it means my ability to convey to my followers that I am a truthful and honest guy.

Kemampuan kita untuk membuktikan kepada followers bahawa kita boleh dipercayai dan jujur... Kalau ini, memang ler kita tak ada niat buruk pun...insyaallah ..  nak berblog utk jangkamasa lama..kalau boleh..
You can trust and believe what I say. How do I get you, my readers to believe this about me? 
 10 steps to build credibility with your followers.
1. Verify that the information on my site is accurate
You can do this by getting third party support for the information you present. When you give links to your source material, even if people don't go to those links, you are showing your confidence and trust in what you're giving out. - Kalau yang nih, kita  bagi@present  sesuatu yang kita sendiri buat..dah ada outcome kira accuratelah tu....berkongsi info lagi....Dah cukup lah tuh..Lagi pun kita bukan blog analisis pun ...

2. Show Everyone That You Are Real
We live in an age of scams, inaccuracies, and lies. Showing a physical address, photos of products or offices, and a legitimate website for your organization should boast your credibility.
Nak kena tunjuk pada orang yang kita memang wujud...buktikan...bagi info yang boleh dipercayai tentang kita .Letak gambar orang nampak..kalau jual tunjuk produk ada contact lagi... ok la tuh...

3. Do You Have Experts On Your Team?
Be sure to give their accreditation. People want to be sure you are affiliated with a respected organization. Make sure they know that you are. Don't link with sites that are not credible. Remember, you are who you are by association. - Kalau yang ni cemana erk???Utk company besar2 kot..kalau dah orang tengok link2 pun hebat... orang bertambah confident..So far kita buat sendiri2 aje... individual....ok lah are, who you are..jadinya kite, kitelah sendiri...kita entiti yang berdiri sendiri..

4. Show That These Experts Are Honest and Trustworthy
Show who they are through some videos, images, or trainings. Let people see that the leadership and training of your organization is solid and true. Don't be afraid to show the value of your group. Kalau yang ni... buat ape?? Buat Tutorial bleh kot..yang kebanyakan crafter friends buat... ok lah tu...utk follower yang berminat leh ler ikut...salah satu cara menghargai dan berkongsi info...(sharing is caring)

5. Put Your Contact Information Out There
So many people are timid and shy about this. You're running a business, how are people supposed to get in contact with you if you don't have an email, phone number, or some other way to get in touch with you? Hohoho... nak berniaga nak berkawan biar ada alamat perhubungan.... cemana nak contact..banyak alternatif..pilih aje..kalau ape pun tak ade cemana orang nak pecaya ...nak ke jadi followers kalau ape pun tak ade...??

6. Make Your Site Professional With The Right Look
Set your site up to look the part and create the image that you are trying to portray. You have just seconds to gain the attention of someone who is surfing the net. - Huhuhuhu... kalo yang nih... memang ler nak bg blog nampak cantik N pro..Nak tarik minat orang.. Tapi kadangkala tak pandai..mcm mak nih...nak well done dengan setting blog pun amik masa...Tak apelah.. kita belajar pelan2...mana ada buah durian yang keluar terus masak dan boleh makan....heheheh...step by step..ok slowly we catch ...

7. Make Your Site Easy To Walk Through and Use
Research shows that if it's hard for someone to maneuver around and see all there is to see, they won't stay long and they won't be coming back.
mmmm... cemana nak buat bg blog kita user friendly....kita kata senang , orang kata susah...Tak ape.. kite leh jalan umah orang ... tengok cemana orang lain susun .. senang nampak @ tidak kalo nak cari barang...Kalau senang @mudah nanti orang datang lagi - orang suka.

8. Update Your Content Often
Not only do the search engines give you more credibility when you do this, but visitors and your followers will also. Fresh new information will keep the traffic lines flowing. - Kalo boleh mmg nak menulis updated tiap masa...tapi kadang tak ade benda yang nak tangkap masuk..tak ape.kita cuba sedaya upaya kemas kini dengan kandungan2 yang ada nilai...jadi pelawat + followers akan msuk setiap kali ada info baru - secara tak langsung traffic flow (jumlah pengunjung yang singgah) akan cantik ... maintain..

9. Use Promotional Ads Sparingly
Remember you are branding you, so try not to bombard people with too many promotions and ads. Keep it to a minimum. You don't want people feeling like their walking through the middle of the yellow pages. Keep them with lots of valuable content. - Blog jangan buat mcm yellow pages... Visitor + followers datang/singgah tapi tengok isi kandungan penuh dengan iklan....Hidangkan dengan kandungan@post yang ada nilai@info berguna/kemaskini

10. Avoid Mistakes - Even The Tiny Little Ones
Typographical errors and broken links hurt a site's credibility more than most people imagine. It's also important to keep your site up and running. You can loose a lot if your site is down for any length of time. - Elakkan kesilapan dalam blog.... Kalau boleh  kita mmg tak nak buat silap.... tapi cemana?? kerana ada perkataan "ter"..Tak ape.. kita cuba sebaik mungkin "avoid"  = elak , bendung...Broken Links pulak....huhuhu... geramnya... lambat/slow pun dah marah...Kalau selalu sangat broken Link... nanti hilang komunikasi, susah nak berhubung...orang pun tak suka.Kejap ada kejap tak ada.... cam chipsmore pulak..

If you can implement these ten simple steps and be consistent with your efforts, your site will be visited quite frequently, your followers will increase, and your search engine rankings will start to rise.

Remember, consistency is the key. Don't just start and do it for a month or two, keep at it and you will see results.

Boleh ke kita buat?? Rasa kalau buat jadi ke @tidak ???
Heheheeh.... Jom kita try la dulu...tapi almost dari ciri2 tu kita mmg dah concern = titik beratkan dalam blog kita..Kesimpulannya, Kita mmg dah ada kesedaran tentang hal nih...cuma ianya tak diperincikan...
Artikel from : Brian Gosur - After thirty five successful years at Ford Motor Company, Brian Gosur has a new career as an entrepreneur, network marketer, and internet marketing coach. To learn more about him, visit his website at



Melihat kepada Followers.. saya menjadi terharu..
Terasa diri tidak bersendirian di sini..

Tiada perkataan yang dapat diucap untuk semua followers...
Anda semua adalah semangat untuk saya terus berdiri...berusaha untuk menjadi lebih baik..
Bukan sesiapa dan tiada yang luarbiasa... apa lagi superstar...
Hari pertama menjadi blogger ...hati tertanya2...
Apakah ada yang sudi  menjadi teman , walau hanya di alam maya...

Terima kasih yang tiada terhingga...... tangan kuhulur disambut mesra....
Dari teman yang sama citarasa ada minat yang sama ...
Buat semua yang sudi menjadi pengikut...Special dedicated to my FOLLOWERS

"Million thanks to all of you" dan "Saya Hargai Anda Semua"...
Andalah semangat saya , Adanya anda....  saya tidak bersendirian di sini...

Begitu juga kepada SEMUA PENGUNJUNG dan PELANGGAN  yang sudi singgah di sini...
"Terima Kasih atas Sokongan Anda .... Anda Semua Semangat Saya untuk berusaha menjadi lebih baik"

Ada tips yang ingin saya kongsikan dengan anda tentang Followers...yang mungkin boleh kita fikir2kan..
Stay tune...............

Friday, October 1, 2010


Thanks.... pada 2 misi yang kecil molek ni....
Sudi nak kongsi gambar bersama sling bag masing2......
Thanks lagi sekali kerana sudi membeli dari  SCLover Collection ....

Buat Shakirah dan the Geng2, semoga tabah menjalani praktikal...

Monday, July 26, 2010

mmmmm.... ramainya  adik2 nih..Berderet
Bleh isi macam2 tuh (h/p, kunci , duit pun bleh)
Lunch Time - senang nak capai...
Updated : 9 August 2010 - Yang kecik2 nih dah lama abis...Kalau nak nanti buatkan yang baru..
WR 1

 WR 2

Size : 14' X 10"
1 Zip pocket
3 organizer pocket
Tali : 24" (end to end)
Lining : kain petak2 (pink)


Lining with "Kain Belacu " -Lebih tebal

Size : 12' X 12"
Tali : 19" (end to end)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Contoh Gaun yg telah siap